A life cycle is the series of changes that happen to a living creature over the course of its life. Although every phase of life in the given figure depicting a life cycle is crucial, human psychology experts agree that in terms of personality-building, teenage or adolescence is the most important phase of a human’s life regardless of gender. Adolescence is generally described as the teenage years between 13 and 19, and can be considered as the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood. Adolescence is a critical turning point because it is when puberty takes place and both genders become more sexually aware. As such, they begin to separate from their parents and become more independent. However, the physical and psychological changes that occur in adolescence can start earlier, during the preteen or “tween” years (ages 9-12).

A human develops almost 90% of his or her personality during adolescence. During this time if he or she is not trained or guided properly, both young boys and girls could end up in physical and psychological problems. This age’s main focus is the building of an adequate level of self-esteem which is contributed by two factors, 1) adolescents’ view in context to their social image, 2) their view in respect to their true image. Social image determines how the society and family perceives them while the true image is their perception about themselves, which is highly dependent on their self-worth. Self-worth itself, as we know, is a combination of character and competence.