We would like to take this opportunity to thank the director of GOLLIRA TOUR BOOKING SAFARIS for your big support to our organisation. We thank you for supporting the vocational skills training with 2 sawing machines where many of our youth and women are benefiting.

We are committed to creating programmes that favour the poor youth in order to provide them with opportunities for a better living .

donation to NyeWe are committed to be an influential model for the youth and and an example of how through hard work, patience, and perseverance a youth can succeed in their dreams and transform their future.

Our target is to increase house hold income, eradicate poverty, reduce malnutrition and create easy access to clean water.

We would like to grately appreciate our incredible and loyal donors who have continued to make financial gifts and have also donated their time and expertise.

If you feel you are concerned about the women, children and the youth in nansana ; if you think you can invest in their future; if you want to have a real hand in making things better. Support our shoes on ground as we make efforts across communities.