The Nalongo Youth Empowerment is a volunteer supported project which is being implemented in Nansana and the neighboring communities with the main focus on the youth empowerment. Through partnership with the local communities and development partners, the Youth empowerment project is being supported to implement a version of sustainable development for the youth.

The NYE project has been developed to respond to the challenges faced by the youth in Nansana. The overarching objective of the project is to contribute to poverty reduction and economic development by improving household incomes, skills and employment of beneficiaries across the young generation; especially the youth young entrepreneurs who start up small income generating activities. This will be done by increasing the ability of project beneficiaries to competitively engage in the youth empowerment plan, with the required skills, and to build business relationships with buyers. The project provides opportunity for the youth to have frequent engagement with stake holders to build business relationships and identify new opportunities.

The NYE project is being implemented by volunteers in Nansana. The project is working with thirteen one (13) youth (CBOs) where the project is being implemented.

The project takes both girls and boys through business skills trainings in order to improve upon their production activities.